Do you have a short term goal including forming a new lifestyle habit, finding that new job, or prepping for a big meeting?
The Can Do by Candice one month program is ideal for clients seeking to identify and make changes in lifestyle habits and work on professional goals. Our monthly plan offers accountability coaching through one-on-one coaching sessions, weekly classes and reminders, and monthly webinars.

Price per day: $10/day
Total Cost: $300 for one month

You CAN DO begins with our 90 day program designed to help you redirect your focus and habits, and become more accountable of your actions across any and all areas of your life. Your personal, one-on-one coach will be there with you on your journey, motivating you and helping you change your personal and lifestyle habits along the way. With dedication and personal accountability you CAN DO anything you put your mind to.
Price per day: $8.50/day
Total Cost: $255 per month
The Can Do by Candice annual program is recommended for individuals with long-term health needs and goals, for those going through life changing personal challenges. Year round accountability coaching offers personalized content along with continual one-on-one coaching, daily reminders, weekly fitness and meditation classes, online webinars and motivation and direction from your coach on a regular basis.

Price per day: $6.66/day
Total Cost: $200 per month for 12 months

The Can Do by Candice Catch up program is perfect for anyone looking to maintain their skills or refocus and recommit to health and wellness, and or personal and professional goals. Complete with regular checks ins with your coach, continued education and motivational reminders, it’s just the right touch of accountability to keep you on your track of success!
Price per day: $5/day
Total Cost: $150 per month
When you're ready, please fill out the form below and take
the first step toward achieving your goals. Visit our FAQs to learn more.

Movement encourages change so lets motivate you to move, get healthier and make real lifestyle change! We will support you in all areas of your life including how to incorporate exercise into work life balance or creating a workout plan for every day. Your coach will assist to develop your workout regime with activities you enjoy with regular check ins and access to online fitness and meditation classes until exercise becomes part of your everyday lifestyle.
Price per day: $5/day
Total Cost: $150 per month